Campus Work Collaboration Program

Transforming Lives Beyond Sobriety

100% of No Longer Bound Residents Have Job Placement At Graduation

A unique aspect of No Longer Bound is that residents go to work each day. On campus workplace environments foster accountability, build work ethic, and provide job skills training. The auto shop, landscape team, culinary team, marketing department and special projects team create opportunities for both personal and professional growth. 

Phase 1

Goal: Accountability and Connection

  • Accountability to a daily work schedule helps a man adjust to the program.
  • Collaboration with a work team builds relationship.
  • Serving on the facilities, landscape, janitorial or culinary team fosters a mindset of serving back to the community.

Phase 2
Campus Work

Goal: Job Skills Training

  • The majority of a man’s time is spent in this phase.
  • Hands-on experience and job skills training is led by department heads.
  • Environments include the auto shop, culinary team, facilities team, landscaping, special projects, marketing and development.
  • A variety of vocational training classes provide additional learning opportunities.

Phase 3

Goal: Off-campus employment

  • In this phase, men live on campus while practicing sobriety in the community.
  • Men earn and save money in preparation for the completion of their program.
  • Accountability and support occurs through evening process groups.

Phase 4

Goal: Vocational training in areas of special interest.

  • Qualified residents can apply for an internship with No Longer Bound after they complete their program.
  • Opportunities include No Longer Bound Cars, Culinary, Marketing, or Special Projects.
  • Residents live 10 additional months on campus, continuing to gain new skills while giving back to the community.

“Everything you learn at No Longer Bound, you can use when you leave. Take advantage of this opportunity and look at it as an investment. No Longer Bound not only saved my life, but they made me who I am today. Trust me, you will look back on this time with a smile on your face.”


“I remember it being tough to work everyday at NLB in my industry while examining and processing some of the most painful things of my past. But that prepared me to have the work ethic and work quality I have today.”


“I now have the tools to be a good father, a good son, and a good husband.”


“When I walked onto No Longer Bound’s campus, I was a broken, lost and frustrated man. No Longer Bound has been a temporary home to me, where I have been able to physically and mentally heal, but also grow into the man God intended me to be. ”