
Rethinking Resolutions

by | Jan 5, 2024 | self improvement | 0 comments

The beginning of a new year marks a time for change and new beginnings. With the holiday hustle behind us and a whole year to look forward to, it’s a great time to think about the changes you’re planning on making this year.

“I’m going to read every day.”

“I’m finally going to use that gym membership.”

But being at No Longer Bound has shifted my perspective on New Year’s resolutions. In a recovery environment, my typical resolutions, like limiting screen time or keeping a better schedule, are all taken care of. This has led me to reflecting on the types of resolutions I was setting for myself. Perhaps I was going about them the wrong way. The things I’ve been learning in recovery have made my old goals seem superficial and self-centered.

What were the motivations behind the goals I was setting? How long would these external changes last if I didn’t do anything to work on my internal landscape?

Meditating on that and discussing it with others has allowed me to begin to focus on resolutions that could have a positive impact on those around me in addition to contributing to my personal growth.

A major part of my recovery has been the shift from being self-focused to living my life with a focus on others. With that shift, all of a sudden, losing that last ten pounds doesn’t seem that crucial to my life.

Sitting on that idea has helped me find new goals that line up with my new values. This year my goals are about things like deepening connections, being transparent about my emotions and letting go of resentments, to name a few.

Using this time of year to develop some new healthy habits is a great way to grow and shouldn’t be ignored. However, take a moment this month to reflect on the less glamorous goals that often escape our attention. Consider resolutions that contribute to meaningful change, fostering connections, and enriching our lives.

-NLB Resident, 2024